What do You Need to Know about Thermal Binder

Date: 28 Jan 2021 | Tag: thermal binder

Do you know what is a thermal binder is and how much it cost? Well, if not, then you are lucky because this page will be discussing to you these information that you need to know about a thermal binder so that you will be aware why you should use it and why it will be very beneficial in your office, like the heavy duty stapler.

What is a thermal binder?

From the name itself, a thermal binder uses heat for binding documents. This method of binding is comparatively quicker and will require lesser effort and will most definitely result to a superb and professional finish. In addition to that, thermal binding is usually done when binding books making it one of the best bookbinding methods today.

Types of covers

The binding covers that you can use in your book comes up with different properties and it is up to you to choose which among these properties is the one that you will be using to bind your documents. These covers can hold up to 500 pages which is why thermal binding is usually common when making yearbooks, anthologies, photo albums, hard covers and soft cove, and more. These different properties are as follows:

• Covers by color

- Black

- Navy

- Maroon

- Red

- Gray

- Blue

- White

- Green

• Covers by type

- Clear linen

- Linen with window

- Standard hardcover

- Hardcover with window

- Hardcover on demand

- Portfolio

- Design on demand

- Print on demand

- Agility

- Go green

- How much do thermal binders costs?

- Thermal binders can range from $22 (RD-50X-RAYSON) as the lowest price to $510 (WD-40S-RAYSON) being the highest or the most expensive one, both from Rayson company who manufactures great heavy-duty staplers. These machines are made from metal however, their price discrepancies are based on the features and specifications that each of these binders has.

Originally published 28 Jan 2021, updated 28 Jan 2021.

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